Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Signals

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I guess I just thought I was getting the signals."

How can one learn to interpret another person's "signals"? What if that is impossible? What is the difference between my signals for "I like you" and "I want you to come in for the kill" "in public" "and in broad daylight"?

Contrast this experience with another, the verbalization that removes the need for magical signal-reading abilities. The one that begins with "May I...?" and produces a feeling of respect and childlike glee.

Communication. Silent mutual understanding without the need for speech only comes (with any luck) after sharing experiences, through trial and error. At the beginning of a relationship a few well-thought-out questions that look for clarification and intend to explore the other person's desires are both necessary and their own form of poetry.

Each time a new relationship begins we are allowed and encouraged to redefine what we want from a relationship. What a beautiful opportunity.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And So Do You

"By the way, I do have self-control," he said, with a meaningful and patient look. "And so do you."

A moment of clarity, a realization that this person respects both himself and me enough to wait, to endure, to court.

This should be interesting.